- Banca dati per l’accesso diretto alla giurisprudenza “italiana” della Corte di giustizia e del Tribunale dell’Unione europea
- Common Database of EU agencies’ Boards of Appeal
- Commonwealth and International Human Rights Case Law Databases
- Council of Europe – Treaty Office
- Domestic Case Law on International Crimes
- Electronic Resource Guide (ASIL)
- ERPA: European Research Papers Archive
- ESIL (Eletronic Information System for International Law. ASIL)
- EUR-Lex
- European Law Books
- Human Rights Instruments (OHCHR)
- Human Rights Library (University of Minnesota)
- Global Law Books
- Infoleges
- International Environmental Law Instruments – ECOLEX
- International Humanitarian Law Treaties and Documents (ICRC)
- International Law in Brief (ASIL)
- International Law Links (Georgetown Univeristy)
- International Law-Related Web Sites on the WWW
- International Migration Law Database
- International Trade Law Instruments
- Investement Arbitration Report
- Istituto di Studi Giuridici Internazionali (CNR-ISGI)
- Persée: portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales
- Osservatorio CEDU
- Osservatorio sullo Spazio europeo di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia
- Project on International Courts and Tribunals
- Refugee Law Reader
- Refworld – UNHCR
- Registro pubblico dei documenti del Consiglio dell’Unione
- Sentinelle (SFDI)
- United Nations Treaty Collection
- WIPO – Administered Treaties