La SIDI invita i soci che risultano coinvolti, in qualità di responsabili di “Jean Monnet Activities” (“Chairs”, “Modules”, “Centres of Excellence”, “Projects”, “Networks”), a compilare la scheda riportata al link sottostante. L’obiettivo è quello di favorire la conoscibilità delle esistenti iniziative Jean Monnet e delle sottostanti reti progettuali, al fine di raggiungere una migliore interazione tra i soci nello svolgimento di attività di ricerca nelle nostre materie. A tal fine, i dati raccolti saranno pubblicati (in ordine cronologico) in questa pagina e resi accessibili a tutti i soci.
- Promoting and progressing European Union citizenship rights for a value-based and future-proof integration (PRO2-EUCITI)
- EU Space Policy, International Law and Sustainability
- Transnational crime and EU Law: towards Global Action against Cross-border Threats to common security, rule of law, and human rights (EU-GLOBACT)
- European and International Human Rights Standards in Conflicts and Disasters (EIHRSCaD)
- European and International Human Rights At Sea
- The Future of Money and Finance: between blockchain, sustainability and the EU Law
- Verba volant, sed imperant? The legal challenges of EU communication
- The protection of Health in Europe: Actors and Legal instruments (HEAL)
- The EU approach to cross-border health threats (EUCrossHealth)
- Expanding Representation and Participation: Towards A Transnational Public Sphere To Reinforce EU Democratic Legitimacy
- European Private International Law: Recent Trends and Challenges (EuPILART)
- Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Law (CultHum)
- Democracy and the Rule of Law: A New Push for European Values (EU-DRAW)
- Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement Policy, EU Values and Western Balkans’ Accession (EUVALWEB)
- EU Transport Infrastructures, Multimodality, Interconnection, Sustainability and Technology (EUTIMIST)
- Reinforcing EU responsible global leadership: promoting human rights and democracy through solidarity for a rules-based multilateral world (ProSoEULaw Abroad)
- European Citizineship and Rule of Law: Promoting our European Way of Life
- European Climate of Change – REACT
- European Criminal Justice
- EU Specialized Judicial Protection
- EU Pro Women – Protection and Promotion of Women’s Rights in the European Legal Order: from Gender Equality to Active Participation in the Democratic Life of the European Union
- European and International Human Rights Standards in Disaster Settings (EIHRSDS)
- Disseminating Disaster Law for Europe (DILAW4E)
- European Competition Law (EuCL)
- Competition Law and Social Inequalities (CLAWSI)
- The European Union in International Diplomatic Relations
- Transportation Law and Court of Justice of the European Union (TLCJEU)
- Legal theory of european integration: a supranational democracy model?
- European and International Environmental Law (EIEL)
- Understandig EU law in practice: EU rights in action before courts (PRACT)
- Solidarity in EU Law – SOEULAW
- EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs (EUWEB)
- Migration and asylum policies systems (MAPS)
- Judicial Protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
- Asylum-Seekers Protection Under Evolution
- EU Investment Law EUIL
- EU Health Legal Framework and Competition Law
- Marché unique numérique et cyber sécurité